Real-Time Payments Are a Better Way in International Money Transfers

Real-Time Payments Are a Better Way in International Money Transfers

Transferring money has always had its share of headaches, especially when it comes to waiting for the funds to clear. Real-Time Payments (RTP) systems are changing the game, making the process of sending and receiving money almost instant. We will explain the technical magic behind RTP, which makes it a much more efficient solution in the financial industry.


  • RTP systems enable almost immediate money transfers, improving efficiency and reducing waiting times.
  • While promising, the transition to RTP can be hampered by high setup costs and regulatory hurdles faced by money transfer providers.
  • Individuals can benefit from RTP's speed, especially in urgent situations, once more providers adopt this technology.

Real-Time Payments (RTP) is a welcome development in the financial sector, particularly when it comes to international money transfers. Imagine sending money across borders and having it available for use by the recipient almost immediately. This shift from the traditional waiting game is made possible by a combination of modern tech tools, all working together to ensure safe, quick, and reliable payment processing.

At the centre of RTP are Core Processing Systems that are tailored to handle a high volume of transactions in real-time, ensuring each transaction goes through swiftly. To make sure all the financial players speak the same language, standardised Communication Protocols like ISO 20022 are used, making the process smooth and efficient.

Database Technologies are the also important, managing transaction data and ensuring quick processing. To meet the speed requirements, high-speed, low-latency databases are often the go-to choice. On the flip side, a reliable, high-speed Network Infrastructure is key to support the quick transmission of transaction data between various entities involved in the payment process.

Given the sensitive nature of financial data, strong Cybersecurity Measures cannot be overlooked. Technologies ensuring encryption, authentication, and fraud detection are integral to keeping RTP systems safe and sound. APIs (Application Programming Interfaces) play an important role too, integrating RTP functionality with existing banking systems and other financial services, ensuring a seamless flow of data necessary for real-time processing.

When you combine all, it's easy to see how Cloud Computing technologies lend the needed scalability, reliability, and performance, enabling RTP systems to handle a high volume of transactions efficiently. 

The technical foundation of RTP is a complex but well-connected system designed to meet the growing need for speed, efficiency, and transparency in financial transactions. While RTP brings a lot of benefits to the table, moving to such a system is a significant step that requires a solid infrastructure, tight security measures, and a clear understanding of regulatory requirements.

Action Plan:

  1. Check Sendrater:  Utilise to find providers who offer the fastest transfers at the best rates.
  2. Compare Before Every Transaction: Before each transfer, compare providers again to ensure you are getting the best current deal.
  3. Share Your Feedback: Post reviews and share your experiences to help others find good providers, and to support technically adept, yet smaller companies.