What Are Lemfi Rates Today?

What Are Lemfi Rates Today?

Lemfi has emerged as a competitive player in the international money transfer market, particularly for inflows to Africa from various geographies, including China. Given the high interest in Lemfi rates, we decided to provide a dynamic widget with today’s top 5 rates for Lemfi. Feel free to bookmark this page as it’s updated several times a day for the most recent rates.

Top 5 Lemfi Rates Today

These are the top 5 corridor rates offered by Lemfi today .

Current LemFi Transfer RatesPayout
From United Kingdom to Nigeria£100 → ₦129271210000000016703291392.00
From United Kingdom to Nigeria£100 → $80775589999999996395520.00
From United States to Nigeria$100 → $6472403599999999183683584.00
From United States to Nigeria$100 → ₦100322249999999989784248320.00
From United Kingdom to Ghana£100 → GH₵12886555000000000276037632.00

If you’re interested in other corridors Lemfi is active in, you can find near real-time comparative rates here.